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Writer's pictureLaura Dillon

The Power of Stopping: How Taking a Break Can Spark New Beginnings!

Living in the United States means constantly being on the move.

We are always in a hurry to reach our destinations, whether it's work, home, preparing meals, taking kids to activities, attending events, and so on.

Our busy schedules are filled with numerous activities, resulting in minimal downtime and leading to chronic stress.

We as a society don't know what to do.

What if you just stopped?

What if you stopped saying yes to everything?  

What if you stopped doing the things you are being told that you “should do”?

What if you stopped trying to be someone that you are not?

What if you stopped expecting your value & worth to come from other people? 

What if you stopped avoiding conflict because it is too uncomfortable?   

What if you stopped comparing yourself to others?

What would your world look like if you just stopped?

And What If......

What if you started to look around? 

What if you started to notice things that you had not noticed before?  

The smile on people's faces. 

The beauty of Mother Nature.

The laughter of a child.

What if you started to use your voice for a greater good?

What if you connected with your inner strength that has always been there?

What if you started to trust yourself and act on your intuition?

What if you started to believe that your dreams are possible?

What if you started being you.....authentically you?

What if you saw the power that you hold inside, with each and every breath?

What if…just what if….you started to love yourself and who you are becoming?

What if you started to fly?

Then I think you would feel connected to yourself and others.  

To nature.  

To your community.  

And to your purpose.  

You would slow down long enough to pay attention.  

And you would begin to meet people that are just like you. 

You would meet people that motive and inspire you.

You would start to feel things that you didn’t think were possible. 

You would start to feel connected and alive. 

You would start to just be "YOU".

And you would meet people that have stopped as well, and that are just being "THEMSELVES".

That is what I think would happen if you "Just Stopped."

How do I know this?

.....Because that is what happened when I stopped.

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